Intel has 10nm Cannon Lake back

In house for months but how good is it?

Intel - logoThe carolling moles of Hillsboro are singing a song of yuletide greetings that are echoing around the 10nm deep Cannon Lake. A lake of coffee spiked with rum can jolt some holiday cheer into the folks at Intel, and SemiAccurate is hearing some interesting numbers.

We all know about Intel’s Tick, Tock model going to Tick, Tock, Sproing!!!! when Kaby Lake slid into the roadmap. (Please note that analogy is not ours but we can’t name the former Inteller who cracked it, we will just call him Nic* Knupffe* to disguise his identity) You might recall SemiAccurate’s exclusive on this in May of 2015, we got the cadence wrong but that is the price you pay for being a year early with news. This time we got the news triple confirmed about Cannon, so what is going on?

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Disclosures: Charlie Demerjian and Stone Arch Networking Services, Inc. have no consulting relationships, investment relationships, or hold any investment positions with any of the companies mentioned in this report.

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Charlie Demerjian

Roving engine of chaos and snide remarks at SemiAccurate
Charlie Demerjian is the founder of Stone Arch Networking Services and is a technology news site; addressing hardware design, software selection, customization, securing and maintenance, with over one million views per month. He is a technologist and analyst specializing in semiconductors, system and network architecture. As head writer of, he regularly advises writers, analysts, and industry executives on technical matters and long lead industry trends. Charlie is also available through Guidepoint and Mosaic. FullyAccurate